The Ashe County Beekeepers Association, in cooperation with Molley Chomper Cidery, is excited to offer a fun filled family friendly afternoon learning about the beloved honeybee!
Educational opportunities include an observation hive with live bees!
You can try on a real beekeeping suit, learn why we use a smoker when we are beekeeping, and ask real beekeepers all those questions you always wanted to know!
Honey and honey products will be for sale at the event and will allow you to take some of the deliciousness home with you! There will be honey tasting—so you can try different varieties of honey!
Have you ever wondered why honey can look so different with different colors and flavors?
Come learn about extracting honey and how honey is produced!
Bees from the Ashe County Beekeepers were placed in the apple orchards used to make Molley Chomper Cider, and you can learn more about pollination services and how honeybees are so important for our agriculture industry—not just apples!
Come out for a fantastic day and celebrate WORLD HONEYBEE DAY!!!