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margin-bottom:-5px; color:#888; font-size:18px; text-decoration:line-through; } .wine-info p.price{ margin-top:2px; color:#888; font-size:30px; font-weight:700; } .wine-info p.price small{ display:inline-block; color:#bbb; font-size:15px; font-weight:500; } .wine-detail-toggle{ display:none; } .wine-info .wine-detail{ margin-top:5px; color:#555; } .wine-card .wine-basket{ position:absolute; top:20px; right:10px; width:100px; } /* Select Styles */ .styled-select{ position:relative; height:34px; margin-bottom:20px; background-color:#eee; border-radius:4px; overflow: hidden; } .styled-select:before{ content:'\25BE'; cursor:pointer; position:absolute; right:10px; top:20%; color:#888; pointer-events:none; } .ie8 .styled-select, .ie9 .styled-select, .ie8 .styled-select:before, .ie9 .styled-select:before{ visibility:hidden; } .styled-select select{ cursor:pointer; width:100%; height:34px; padding:0 10px; color:#555; font-family:"courier new",monospace; font-size:15px; font-weight:300; line-height:1; background-color:transparent; border:0; appearance:none; appearance:none; appearance:none; } .ie8 .styled-select select, .ie9 .styled-select select{ visibility:visible; padding:0; background-color:#ddd; } .styled-select select::expand{/* hides select arrow in ie10 up */ display:none; } .styled-select select option{ padding:5px; background-color: transparent; border:none; outline:none; box-shadow:none; } .styled-select select:active, .styled-select select:focus{ color:#222; background-color:#eee; border:none; outline:none; box-shadow:none; } .wine-basket select:focusring{/* hides firefox focus box */ color:transparent; text-shadow:0 0 0 #222; } /* Button Styles */ a.button, button{ cursor:pointer; height:34px; padding:0 5px; color:#fa5553; font-family:"courier new",monospace; font-size:15px; font-weight:500; line-height:1; text-align:center; background-color:#267ec6; border:1px solid #267ec6; border-radius:4px; } a.button{ display:block; line-height:34px; text-decoration:none; } a.button.ghost-button, button.ghost-button{ color:#267ec6; background-color:#fff; } a.button.large-button, button.large-button{ height:48px; line-height:48px; } a.button:hover, a.button:focus, a.button:active, button:hover, button:focus, button:active{ color:#fa5553; background-color:#2e93d8; border:1px solid #2e93d8; } button:focusring{/* hides firefox focus box */ color:transparent; text-shadow:0 0 0 #fff; } .wine-basket button{ width:100px; } /* Cart Styles */ .cart-wrapper{ padding:20px 30px 30px; } .cart-wrapper-icon{ height:40px; } ul.cart-listing{ margin-bottom:15px; border-top:1px solid #c5d0d6; } ul.cart-listing li{ position:relative; padding:15px 0; border-bottom:1px solid #c5d0d6; } .cart-label{ float:left; margin-right:15px; } .cart-label img{ display:block; max-width:98px; max-height:198px; border:1px solid transparent; } .cart-info{ float:left; max-width:200px; } .cart-name{ font-size:15px; } .cart-quantity{ margin:5px 0 -8px; color:#7d8d93; font-size:60px; font-weight:900; line-height:1; } .cart-price{ position:absolute; bottom:15px; right:0; font-size:18px; } a.cart-remove{ position:absolute; display:block; top:15px; right:0; width:15px; height:15px; text-decoration:none; background:transparent url(/static/img/iframe/v2/vs-wine-remove.svg) left top no-repeat; } .ie8 a.cart-remove{ background-image:url(/static/img/iframe/v2/vs-wine-remove.png); } .cart-discount{ margin-bottom:5px; color:#7d8d93; font-size:15px; } .cart-subtotal{ margin-bottom:30px; font-size:18px; } .cart-discount span, .cart-subtotal span{ float:right; font-weight:900; } .cart-wrapper a.button{ cursor: pointer; margin: 0 30px 20px; padding: 5px 15px; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; } /* error message styles */ .alert p { margin-bottom:10px; } /* Clearfix Styles */ .clearfix:before, .clearfix:after{ content:" "; display:table; } .clearfix:after{ clear:both; } .clearfix{ *zoom:1; } /* Sold Out Styles */ .sold-out a.button, .sold-out button{ color:#fff; background-color:#bbb; border-color:#bbb; } .sold-out a.button:hover, .sold-out a.button:focus, .sold-out button:hover, .sold-out button:focus{ cursor:default; color:#fff; background-color:#bbb; border-color:#bbb; } /* Responsive Styles */ @media only screen and (max-width:649px){ .wine-card .wine-info{ width:37%; } } @media only screen and (max-width:510px){ /* @media only screen and (max-width:768px){ */ .shipping-states{ max-width:450px; } .wine-card{ max-width:430px; } .wine-label img{ max-width:98px; } .wine-card .wine-info{ width:170px; } .wine-card .wine-info .wine-detail-toggle.wine-detail-show{ display:block; } .wine-card.wine-detail-mobile-display .wine-info .wine-detail-toggle.wine-detail-show{ display:none; } .wine-card.wine-detail-mobile-display .wine-info .wine-detail-toggle.wine-detail-hide{ display:block; } .wine-card .wine-info p.appalation, .wine-card .wine-info .wine-detail{ display:none; margin-bottom:15px; text-align:left; } .wine-card.wine-detail-mobile-display .wine-info .wine-detail{ display:block; } } @media only screen and (max-width:430px){ .shipping-states{ max-width:290px; } .wine-card{ max-width:270px; text-align:center; } .wine-card > div{ float:none; } .wine-card .wine-label img{ max-width:148px; margin:0 auto 15px; } .wine-card .wine-info{ width:auto; margin-bottom:15px; } .label-future{ margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } .wine-card .wine-basket{ position:relative; top:auto; right:auto; width:260px; margin:0 auto; } .wine-basket .styled-select{ float:left; width:120px; margin:0 5px; } .wine-basket button{ width:120px; margin:0 5px; } } @media only screen and (max-width:380px){ .cart-wrapper{ padding:20px; font-size:11px; } .cart-info{ max-width:135px; } .cart-name{ font-size:13px; } .cart-quantity{ margin-top:2px; } } </style>